Thursday, September 18, 2014

Prague: The Everyday

I've been in a Prague for a few days now. It's so different than I expected. I thought it would have a more intellectual vibe, but maybe it's just this experience. To contradict myself, they do have lots of opportunities to listen to classical music. A few nights ago, I saw an ensemble at the Jewish Synagogue. It looked like a faberge egg from the inside.

I have really been craving good, live music, and this helped sooth it. It made me miss the Cleveland Orchestra some.

This evening, I watched a blues band at a local bar by the hostel with Beth. Beth has been so much fun to explore the city with. I think we very much have the same sense of adventure and thirst for new experiences. We were on the Charles Bridge as the sun was rising over the sleepy streets of Prague.

This is Beth in the archway, watching the new day start from the heights if the castle on the hill.

It's really an international city, and there are so many tourists moving in crowds around the attractions.

I have been getting some mundane tasks done before I leave here like getting cycle maps to Austria and doing laundry. There were no laundromats around the hostel. I went to two places that couldn't help me, before being directed to a cool internet laudromat in Prague 2.

It felt like a hostel with dryers and washers instead of beds. I'm so glad I got this done. The previous evening, my clothes just absorbed every bad smell around me like cigarette smoke and sweat.

Today, I needed to get my bike checked out. Also, my headlight was stolen here too, and I wanted a new one. My bike was filthy, but okay, though I like to get things checked out just in case. I was so lucky to find a shop where there was a bike mechanic willing to take a quick look. They wanted me to make an appointment and said they couldn't help me. I asked them to just take a quick look, and if something looked awry, I would enjoy Prague for a day or two more. Somehow, I got him to smile and give in. I should have taken his picture. I thanked him about a million times infinity times, and bought a 6-pack of after work appreciation for him. I've never had a mechanic clean my bicycle so thoroughly. It's pedals so smoothly now. Unloaded, it feels like I'm flying.

While I waited for my bicycle, I went to the original Pilsner Urquell Restaurant. Prague is a pilsner town. (Someday I'll get to have an IPA again.) Budweiser originated from the Czech Republic, but they hold the American version in disdain because the sugar and wheat that's used in it.

They had pickled cheese too.

Beer here costs as much as soft drinks. Here's an example:

You'll see the Pilsner Urquell is 45 CZK whereas Coke is 40 CZK. This taco place rules. I should be able to keep on going without vegetarian tacos for another few weeks.

I have a feel for the old town area and some other neighborhoods. I wish I could fall in love with this town, but something prevents me. I leave for Vienna tomorrow.

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